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Selectmen Minutes 10/25/2016
 Chichester Board of Selectmen
Minutes of Meeting
Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Members Present: Richard DeBold, Jeff Jordan, Tom Jameson, Jodi Pinard Town Administrator, Kristy Barnouski Administrative Assistant.

Others Present: Tom Houle, Donna Chagnon, Patty Milligan, Lucille Noel, and other members of the public.

Call to Order Mr. DeBold called the meeting to order at 6:30pm

Heating Oil-
Mrs. Pinard suggested to the Board that the Town lock in the heating oil/propane price.  Rymes cost for oil is currently at $1.949 and propane is $1.399.  These prices would be good until May of 2017.

Mr. DeBold made a motion to award the oil and propane bid to Rymes from November 1st-May 31st. Mr. Jordan seconds the motion.  Motion passes.

Health insurance will be increasing by 6.7%, which totals $500.00 extra a month and $6,000.00 extra for the year.  Dental will stay at the same rate.  

Mr. DeBold made a motion to accept the increase in health insurance over the 2017 year.   Mr. Jameson seconds the motion.  Motion passes.

Tax Rate-
The preliminary tax rate has been set at +.94 increase.  The breakdown for the increase is +.22 for the Town, +.4 for the county, +.84 for the School, and -.16 for Stated Ed.

The current tax rate is $26.37.  The proposed tax rate is $27.31

After much consideration of whether or not the Board wanted to use Fund Balance to offset the tax rate, the Board voted to save the Fund Balance for the Town Meeting to be used for the Capital Improvement Program.  

Official vote to save the Fund Balance for Town Meeting:  Mr. Jordan, aye.  Mr. DeBold, aye.  Mr. Jameson, nay.  

The new tax rate will be $27.31 pending DRA approval.  

Other Business-
Ms. Noel asked that the bulb outside the Grange Hall door be replaced. It is burnt out and it is very dark outside without it.  

Mrs. Pinard stated she will ask Mr. Plunkett to replace it.  

Land Use Change Tax (LUCT)-
Mr. Jameson asked how much of the LUCT goes to conservation and how much goes to the general fund.  

With the LUCT, %75 goes to the conservation fund and %25 goes to the general fund.  

Mr. Jameson stated that if the Conservation Commission doesn't have any projects in mind to spend those funds then he feels they should be put back into the general fund to offset the tax rate.

Salt Shed-
Mr. DeBold stated that he reviewed a report on the structural condition of the existing sander/salter hanging rack structure. Structural     deficiencies were identified, in a report from July 1, 2013 and need to be addressed and resolved in the immediate future.  

Being no further discussion, a motion was made by Mr. DeBold and seconded by Mr. Jameson to adjourn the meeting at 7:20 pm. Motion passes

Respectfully submitted,
                                                                        Not approved until signed

Kristy Barnouski, Administrative Assistant

 Richard DeBold                                                       Jeffrey Jordan                                                  Tom Jameson